Half-Life 2: Episode One is the first of a series of stand-alone episodes based on HL2, the popular and acclaimed shooter epic. They’re all based on the same graphics engine, but they’re all incredibly different games, which ensures that there’s something for everyone. With your purchase of The Orange Box, you’ll get Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. That’s partially because the name “The Orange Box” sounds more like some kind of citrus-scented bathroom cleanser than a video game, and partially because this five-games-in-one package is the kind of crazy deal that almost forces you to shout “Now how much would you pay?” With three amazing new games and two classics all in one package, it’s impossible to go wrong with The Orange Box. It’s hard to talk about what Valve’s The Orange Box offers without immediately falling into an impression of some sort of late-night pitchman for fantasy knives and alternative cleaning products.