Despite that, if the computer is low on memory (RAM), Safari will force-kill the inactive tabs and reload the page when it is accessed.
Safari is crafted in a way so it would provide optimal performance, regardless of Mac specifications. This behavior can be easily explained, however. With the release of Safari 14, users rushed into Apple, and other tech forums complain about a rather annoying issue – the page would automatically reload after being inactive for some time. Safari is a standalone browser that is independent of the macOS version, although the synergy between the two might not always be perfect. While many of the problems were addressed by Apple, some people experience problems to this day. It was much anticipated, although the release did not go that well as planned for everybody – users complained that they were unable to install the update, machines were crashing, the second display stopped working, and much more. To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.īig Sur was released in November 2020 as the brand new version of the operating system for Macs.